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Contact us

Piddinghoe Church, like many other small rural churches, needs your help. It is run and maintained by volunteers who are extremely proud of their village church and rural heritage.

St. John’s Church is a special place, and we are delighted to be able to share this with visitors. Our church, like all of us, ages with time and is in need of continual care. If you would like to support us with a donation our details are:

Donate by cheque to:

The PCC Treasurer, Chambles, Village Green, Piddinghoe, Newhaven BN9 9AP.

By Bank Transfer to:

Parochial Church Council St Johns Piddinghoe
Sort Code: 40-34-35 Account No.: 41013955

Please state in a covering note, or use our contact form, if you wish your donation to go to the Bell and Fabric Fund, which is a designated fund.

If you have time to volunteer, or become involved with St. John’s Church, please use our contact forms and we will get back to you.